While it may not feel like it quite yet, spring is, in fact, in the air. As any property manager knows, springtime means two things: mud and melting. And when the snow goes, the work begins. But where to begin on that long list? Here, we’ve put together our list of the top 5 most important things to tackle over the coming months to get your properties ready for summer.

  1. Renew Outdoor Service Contracts
    If you use a landscaping or outdoor services company to mow the grass, plant, or care for concrete, be sure you’ve renewed your contracts before the busy season starts. You don’t want to end up on the bottom of the list when the warm weather (finally) arrives.
  2. Inspect and Trim Trees
    Walk around your properties and check out any large trees to ensure they’ve maintained their health and integrity during the winter. Remove and fallen limbs and call a professional tree trimmer to come cut back any limbs that pose a threat to the roof, power lines or tenants.
  3. Inspect The Roof    
    Once the snow has all melted and you’ve removed any fallen limbs, have a thorough roof inspection done and make any necessary repairs before the summer storms roll in.
  4. Inspect Concrete & Asphalt
    Cold temperatures, ice and snow can wreak havoc on poured concrete surfaces. Inspect sidewalks, parking lots and stairs around your property and make any DIY repairs or contact your outdoor services vendor.
  5. Clean Gutters & Downspouts
    If you have gutters on your properties, you know that winter can leave them jam-packed with twigs and other debris. Be sure to give them a thorough cleaning to avoid backups during spring and summer rains. This is also a good time to make sure all downspouts are aimed away and placed far enough from your property.

One surefire way to get all of that work done more seamlessly? Get your team on a property management platform like One Spot. With One Spot your whole team can communicate as one—allowing you to delegate tasks, track progress, request bids, approve orders and more. So you can check spring assessments off your to-do list.

Do you have other spring assessment must-do’s? Tips and tricks to make the work flow smoother? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
