property management property assessment app & software
Are you in need of a property management property assessment app/software? Are you tired of the old method of snapping a picture on your camera or phone without any way to attach to your notes? Are you fed up with getting back in the office and not knowing what picture go with what? At One Spot, we have you covered. Our property management property assessment App/Software will allow you to seamlessly conduct an assessment right on your phone, right in our app.
One Spot has heard time and time again from property managers that this is the tool that has been lacking in the property management assessment world. We have developed our property assessment app and property assessment software (desktop version) working in close collaboration with property managers, using our software development expertise to meet their every need.
We also understand the importance of the presentation of the property assessment to the property owners. With our software you will be able to run professional, detailed reports with your company logo. Run your assessment reports with filters such as cost, importance, strategic impact and more.
By using a property management property assessment app/software, users can focus getting the best reward out of the investment in a particular property. Think of fixing the broken sidewalk in front of the building rather than the back. With clear vision on where projects and points of interest are taking place, you maximize the benefit to yourself, the tenants and the owners.
We also understand that storing previous assessments from multiple properties is vitally important; comparing property assessments year-to-year can give you a grasp on trends, either positive or negative. You and your team will also be able to pull data from your digital cloud-based file cabinet no matter where you are. Assessments, numbers, estimates, layouts and workflows all become streamlined in One Spot.
Cost is always a constraint on properties, and clearer property assessments earn their importance. No property manager wants to assess a potential property purchase, or do an annual assessment, only to find out later that something was missed and now it’s over budget. Enter One Spot. Using the One Spot property management property assessment app/software, users can get a clear organized list of all of their items including the following key information:
- Visual tracking of all your projects
- Geo tagged points of interest
- PDF Attachments
- Reminders
- Team communication
Key Feature Review for One Spot
- Visual Tracking
Using our interactive mapping system you get an immediate sense of where assets/needed repairs are located on your assessment. Whether indoors or out, One Spot will allow users to assess anything/everything they need in order to track their assets as well as determine what repairs need to be made, which includes the budget numbers for each repair item
- Geo Tagging
Geo-tagging allows everyone to know exactly where information is kept or work that needs to be completed to ensure 100% accuracy and accountability. All comments and pictures are time and geo stamped to ensure 100% accuracy and accountability. Forget asking who did what, where, why and when!
- PDF Attachments
Access key information quickly to keep everyone in the know of what needs to be done and the specs it needs to be completed to. Think of this as your digital file cabinet.
- Reminders
Set reminders to avoid warranty lapses, schedule preventative maintenance. Stop being blindsided.
- Team Communication
Add information to a point and alert someone to take action or simply keep them up to date. Keep all your activity in One Spot if you so choose.
So, if managing the assessment process dominates your workday, One Spot was created to help you out. Within the system, you can access all property assessment information—organized geographically, and as detailed as you’d like it to be; the beauty of customizable reports. One Spot is here to make your life easier.
See if One Spot is the right fit for you.